Need to track driving time as a requirement for obtaining a drivers license?
DriverTimer is a tool for logging driving time, specifically for drivers currently on drivers permit or learners permit. Multiple events can be recorded to track progress towards mandatory requirements for various jurisdictions. Duration and description can be recorded for each event. Most jurisdictions now require a minimum driving time to qualify for a drivers license, and require that a log be submitted. The DriverTimer log can be used to assist in filling out the form.
Basic instructions:
1. On the Timer Tab, press Start to start a new event.
2. The application can be closed (press home button and power switch) to save battery life. Upon restart of the application, the timer status will be restored.
3. On the Timer Tab, press Stop to end the current event. Day or night can be selected, and a description can be added to an event at any time prior to saving the event. Press Save to save the event to the log or Clear to discard the event.
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each event.
5. The Summary Tab displays a log of events and accumulated total driving time and night driving time for the saved events.
6. The Settings Tab provides an option to enter a drivers name, clear all saved events or email a log of events to a recipient device that can be used for printout.
7. The description field on the Timer Tab can be used to identify supervisor, weather conditions, highway driving or other information that will required to fill out the log form for licensure. Example information to place in this field is as follows:
Supervisor Name (return to start a new line)
Icy roads (no return for last line of description)
Users should be familiar with the information required for the applicable log form in advance to be familiar with the appropriate information to include in the description field as events are recorded.
8. Prior to actual use, the user can record fictitious events to become familiar with the processes. Once familiar with the application, the user can press the Clear Saved Events on the Settings Tab to clear the log prior to starting actual events.